Meet our Board of Directors

Gregory Robinson
Bsc(Hon), MBA, MAICD
Non-executive Chair
Chair of the Nominations Committee
Member of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee
Greg was appointed as a non-executive director on 25 November 2019 and as non-executive Chair on 11 November 2023. Greg has extensive executive experience in the finance and resources industries. Greg is the former Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer of Newcrest Mining Limited and former Chief Executive Officer of Lattice Energy Limited.
Greg has held various senior management and executive roles during his executive career which spans over 30 years, including as Finance Director and ultimately Chief Executive Officer of Newcrest Mining. Prior to joining Newcrest, Greg held senior executive roles in the Petroleum and Energy Division of BHP, and was a Director of Investment Banking at Merrill Lynch & Co and headed the Australia/Asia Pacific metals and mining team.
Greg is currently a non-executive director and Chairman of Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) Limited and Rex Minerals Limited and was previously a Board Member of St Vincent Institute of Medical Research.

Bruce Brook
Non-executive director
Chair of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Member of the People and Remuneration Committee
Member of the Nominations Committee
Bruce was appointed as a non-executive director on 3 December 2018. Bruce is a non-executive director of Newmont Corporation and Djerriwarrh Investments Limited and a former non-executive director of CSL Limited and Guide Dogs Victoria. Bruce is also a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, Corporate Governance Advisory Committee. During his executive career, Bruce was the Chief Financial Officer of Western Mining Corporation Resources Limited and Deputy Chief Financial Officer of the Australian & New Zealand Banking Group.

Ms Tonianne Dwyer
BJuris (Hons), LLB (Hons), GAICD
Non-executive director
Chair of the People and Remuneration Committee
Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Member of the Nominations Committee
Tonianne was appointed as a non-executive director on 20 May 2021. Tonianne is an experienced non-executive director and has extensive executive experience in investment banking, funds management, real estate and corporate strategy.
Tonianne had a 23-year executive career in investment banking and real estate during which she held senior management roles with Hambros Bank Limited and Societe Generale in the UK. She was the Head of Funds Management of Quintain Estates & Development plc (an LSE listed property company comprising funds management, investment and urban regeneration) from 2003 before being promoted as an Executive Director of Quintain from 2006 to 2010. Prior to joining Quintain, Tonianne was a Director of Investment Banking at Hambros Bank, Societe Generale and SG Cowen.
Tonianne is currently an independent non-executive director of ALS Limited and GrowthPoint Properties Australia Limited and AUB Group Limited. She is also the Deputy Chancellor and member of the Senate of the University of Queensland, and a director of the Sir John Monash Foundation. She has previously held non-executive directorships on OZ Minerals, DEXUS Property Group, DEXUS Wholesale Property Fund, Metcash Limited, Cardno Limited and Queensland Treasury Corporation. She is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of Chief Executive Women.

John Ho
BSc(Math), BCom (First Class Honours & University Medal)
Non-executive director
John was appointed as a non-executive director on 6 March 2023. John is the Founder and Chief Industrialist Investor of Janchor Partners, an industrialist investor based in Hong Kong, with extensive experience as a non-executive director and long-term investor in Australia and across the globe. Before founding Janchor Partners in 2009, John acquired global experience including with the Boston Consulting Group in Australia, Citadel Investment Group in the US and as Head of Asian Investing at The Children’s Investment Fund (Asia).
John is currently a non-executive director of e-commerce technology firm Rokt and Nasdaq listed SaaS and data management platform provider AvePoint, Inc. He has previously served as a non-executive director on the boards of Bellamy’s Australia Limited (including as Chairman) and Vocus Group Limited in Australia, and Link REIT in Hong Kong. John is a former Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Committee and was a committee member of the Securities and Futures Commission's Public Shareholders Group.

Michael Carroll
Non-executive director
Member of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee
Member of the People and Remuneration Committee
Michael was appointed as a non-executive director on 6 March 2023. Michael has extensive executive and board experience in the agricultural sector.
Michael's executive experience includes an 18-year career with National Australia Bank (NAB) with positions in NAB’s internal Investments and Advisory team and as General Manager, Agribusiness Financial Services, a business unit he was responsible for creating then leading. Prior to this he worked in the animal health and crop care sectors having commenced his career as an agronomist with Monsanto.
Michael is currently a non-executive director of Rural Funds Management Ltd, Paraway Pastoral Company Limited and Viridis Ag Pty Ltd. Former board positions include Australian Rural Leadership Foundation, Genetics Australia, Regional Investment Corporation, Select Harvests Ltd, Elders Limited, Sunny Queen Australia Pty Ltd, Tassal Group Limited, Geoffrey Gardiner Dairy Foundation, Rural Finance Corporation of Victoria, Queensland Sugar Limited, Warrnambool Cheese & Butter Factory Holdings Limited, Meat and Livestock Australia and the Australian Farm Institute.

Fiona Hick
BEng (Materials Engineering), BAppSci (Energy and Carbon Studies)
Non-executive director
Chair of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee
Member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee
Fiona was appointed as a non-executive director on 1 September 2024. Fiona has extensive executive and corporate experience in the energy and resources sectors, including as the Chief Executive Officer of Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) in 2023. Prior to FMG, Fiona spent more than 20 years with Woodside Energy, where she held a range of senior positions across engineering, strategy and governance, crisis leadership, health and safety and environment before being appointed as Woodside's Executive Vice President Operations in 2019. Prior to Woodside Energy, Fiona spent 5 years in corporate and operational roles at Rio Tinto.
Fiona is currently a non-executive director of Evolution Mining Limited. Fiona is also an Infrastructure WA Board member, and a member of the University of Western Australia’s Strategic Resources Committee.
Previously, Fiona was a non-executive director of CO2CRC Limited. Fiona also held the role of President and Chair of the Advisory Board for the Chamber of Minerals and Energy, Western Australia, and was a member and Chair of the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association Environmental Science Committee.
Fiona is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a member of Chief Executive Women.

Mauro Neves de Moraes
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
Member of the Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee
Mauro commenced as a Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director on 22 January 2024. He is a global executive with 30 years’ industry experience across the resources and logistics sectors. A mechanical engineer with dual Brazilian Australian citizenship, Mauro has a track record of driving operational and strategic business performance for some of the world’s biggest mining companies. Prior to his appointment at IPL, Mauro held a number of executive and leadership roles including as Asset President at BHP, Executive Vice President – Commercial and Marketing at Aurizon Holdings Limited and Global Coal Director at Vale S.A. Mauro holds a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (1994) and a Master of Science, Business Logistics and Administration from Pontificia Universidade (1997).

Richa Puri
LLB (Hons) / B.Com (Accounting), GAICD, FGIA
Company Secretary
Richa was appointed as Company Secretary on 8 August 2019. Richa is a corporate lawyer with experience in legal, governance and company secretariat, across a range of industries from roles held in-house and in private practice. Prior to joining IPL, Richa held senior legal and company secretarial roles at Murray Goulburn and Treasury Wine Estates. Before moving in-house, Richa was a Senior Associate at Johnson Winter & Slattery where she advised on corporate transactions, governance, board advisory and executive HR matters. Richa is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and a fellow of the Governance Institute of Australia.