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IPL selected as a Member of the Global DJSI Index for eighth consecutive year, with an increased score for the third consecutive year

Sep 22, 2017


For the eighth consecutive year, IPL has been selected as a member of the global Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and has also been re-admitted to the DJSI Asia Pacific Index.  This comes after RobecoSAM  recognised IPL’s continuous improvement in sustainability and reporting through the 2017 RobecoSAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

The DJSI is widely recognised as a leading reference point in the growing field of Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) related investing due to the robustness of its assessment process. It acts as an indicator of the sustainability performance of the largest 2,500 companies listed on the Dow Jones Global Total Stock Market Index.

The DJSI assesses economic, environmental and social practices which receive equal weighting. In the economic assessment, the DJSI examines:

corporate governance
risk and crisis management
codes of conduct
anti-corruption and bribery
industry specific performance

Within the environmental assessment, transparent reporting is key, and when it comes to the social assessment, the key elements centre on:

human-capital development
talent attraction and retention
labour practice indicators
corporate citizenship and philanthropy
reporting about our social impacts and community support

IPL is committed to continuously improving the quality and quantity of data we use to demonstrate the long term sustainability of our operations to investors, customers, potential employees and the wider community. Inclusion in this index means that we are highlighted to a wider, global range of potential investors as an organisation demonstrating sound ESG practices. The indices also provide a benchmark of our ESG reporting and practices against other companies in the global chemicals sector. 

Being a member of the DJSI is an important achievement for IPL, and a direct reflection of the hard work all of our employees are undertaking every day to ensure that we are delivering outstanding business performance.